Smart software for better quality in healthcare.


Zenya has support for federated search; it allows 3rd party intranet or portal solutions to forward a search query to Zenya and receive the search results, which can then be displayed to the end user by the 3rd party solution together with the search results from that system and/or other federated systems. Search results can include (depending on the licensed modules):

  • Documents
  • Process flowcharts
  • Cards
  • Forms
  • Question list
  • Reports (management information)
  • Links to web pages/network locations

Zenya itself protects the end user from information overload by directing him to a start portal which gives access to information relevant for that user. It is important that the same principles are kept in mind when integrating Zenya in a 3rd party intranet or portal solution. Therefore, search queries can be and should be limited to the scope of a certain portal or to an even smaller scope: collections. The concepts “portals” and “collections” are explained in this document.

For 3rd party systems which cannot support federated search or prefer to include all content in their own search index, it is also possible to crawl the content of Zenya instead of using the federated search API.

Available API’s

A REST API is available for federated search. It supports searching in specific scopes. Search results are automatically security trimmed (only results which are accessible to the user will be included). For each result, an URL is returned which can be used to redirect the user to the Zenya screen in which the actual content will be shown.
An older API based on WCF is also still available for federated search, but is deprecated and will loose support in Q2 2022.

A WCF API is present to support content crawling in the specific manner required by SharePoint (on-premise) external content types.
For other systems which want to perform content crawling, we advise to use the REST API.


Use the routes content_itemsportals and portalcollections to accomplish the scenario’s listed below:

  • Perform a keyword search action and retrieve a paged list of search results.
  • Refine search results (faceted search)
  • Crawl through all items for a specified user for a 3rd party index
    (not compatible with SharePoint on-premise external content types, use the WCF API for that purpose)

General API usage information
Overview of important information for consumers of the Zenya REST API, with topics like versioning, verbs, status codes, authentication and error handling.

Change log
Overview of changes and announced deprecations regarding the Zenya REST API.

Our code samples on GitHub show you how to get started with the Zenya REST API.

API Reference 
A detailed reference for this API is provided in Swagger format.

Please note that the Swagger reference is also present in each customer’s Zenya tenant. You can find it by adding /api/ to the URL of the customer’s Zenya tenant. For example:

In order to interact with the Swagger reference, you need to access the Swagger in the customer’s Zenya, and you need valid credentials for the customer’s Zenya.

The WCF API for Zenya Search can be used to accomplish the scenario’s listed below:

  • Perform a keyword search action and retrieve a list of search results.
  • Refine search results (faceted search)

This API is deprecated and is planned for removal in Q2 2022. Use the REST API instead.

General API usage information
Overview of important information for consumers of the Zenya WCF API, with topics like authentication.

Change log
Overview of changes and announced deprecations regarding this API.

Our code samples on GitHub show you how to get started with the Zenya WCF API.

API Reference
A detailed reference for this API is provided in PDF format.

A separate API is available for content crawling.
This API is optimized for use with SharePoint Search, but can also be used with other search solutions.

General API usage information
Overview of important information for consumers of the Zenya WCF API, with topics like authentication.

Change log
Overview of changes and announced deprecations regarding this API.

API Reference
A detailed reference for this API is provided in PDF format.