Smart software for better quality in healthcare.

Document Management API

The document management module is a full-blown document management system, including features as review & publication workflow, versioning, feedback & collaboration. It can contains documents in various formats (interactive documents, HTML, Microsoft Office types, PDF etc.). It can also contain processes (flowcharts with accompanying metadata).

This module is licensed under the name Zenya DOC. Some customers might still refer to it by the old module names iDocument or iProva.

Available API’s

The for this module is mainly focused on retrieval of content stored in this module.
In most scenario’s, the API’s which operate on portals or collections will be used instead of directly interacting with the API of the document management module. The purpose of the portals and collections is discussed further in this document.

In addition to content retrieval, the API supports limited content management features like creating a new document.

A REST API, WCF API and a SOAP API are available for Zenya DOC.
Please note that each API offers a slightly different feature set.
However, most features can be found in the REST API, and all future extensions will take place in this API.

Both the WCF API and SOAP API are deprecated and will loose support in Q2 2022.


The REST API  can be used to accomplish the scenario’s listed below:

  • Use the documents route to retrieve the metadata and content of a document. In case of an HTML document, you can retrieve the text content of each paragraph in the document; in case of Word/Excel/PDF/etc you can download the binary file. In addition, you can use the document_media route to download the content of media-items which can be present in HTML documents.
    And you can use the hyperlinks route to retrieve detailed information about hyperlinks which can be present in the content of documents.
    You can also retrieve the unique quick code for a document via the API.
  • The Zenya UI allows users to comment on documents, and users can reply on each others comments. This can also be done via the API, using the comments route to add new comments, retrieve existing comments, reply to comments and so on.
  • You can create new documents and add new versions to already existing documents.
  • Use the bulk_exports route to retrieve information about bulk export sets which have been prepared by the iProva application manager, and download the content of a bulk export in ZIP-format.

General API usage information
Overview of important information for consumers of the Zenya REST API, with topics like versioning, verbs, status codes, authentication and error handling.

Change log
Overview of changes and announced deprecations regarding the Zenya REST API.

Our code samples on GitHub show you how to get started with the Zenya REST API.

API Reference 
A detailed reference for this API is provided in Swagger format.

Please note that the Swagger reference is also present in each customer’s Zenya tenant. You can find it by adding /api/ to the URL of the customer’s Zenya tenant. For example:

In order to interact with the Swagger reference, you need to access the Swagger in the customer’s Zenya, and you need valid credentials for the customer’s Zenya.

The WCF API can be used to accomplish the scenario’s listed below:

  • Retrieve the content of a document (only supported for documents in HTML format; it is advised to use the REST API instead, it offers more functionality)
  • Interact with Document Webshares (for very specific usage scenario’s)

This API is deprecated and is planned for removal in Q2 2022. Use the REST API instead.

General API usage information
Overview of important information for consumers of the Zenya WCF API, with topics like authentication.

Change log
Overview of changes and announced deprecations regarding this API.

API Reference
A detailed reference for this API is provided in PDF format.

The SOAP API for Document Management can be used to accomplish the scenario’s listed below:

  • Retrieving the folder tree of the document management system
  • Retrieving a list of documents in a folder

This API is deprecated and is planned for removal in Q2 2022. Use the REST API instead.

General API usage information
Overview of important information for consumers of the Zenya SOAP API, with topics like authentication.

Change log
Overview of changes and announced deprecations regarding this API.

API Reference
A detailed reference for this API is provided in PDF format.